The Gloucester Area Astronomy Club
The Gloucester Area Astronomy Club was founded in 2003 as an informal, lightly-organized group and has remained so ever since. Not all members have telescopes or binoculars, but all share an interest in the night sky. The only club bylaw says that if we ever come up with a formal constitution and bylaws, they will have to fit on one side of a standard 3X5 card. GAAC owns no property and there are no dues or fees.
Some meetings feature speakers from area groups such as the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, or from Astronomy departments at some of the colleges & universities in the greater Boston area, and some are more hands-on events led by local observers. All are an opportunity to touch base with other astronomers, and to enjoy colorful, engaging and graspable presentations.
We're not here for profit, but we do want you to look your best, so cool GAAC swag of all sorts, from clothing to tote bags to whiskey flasks, is all available at cost.
GAAC members meet at the Lanesville Community Center in the Lanesville neighborhood of Gloucester MA, at 8:00 pm on the second Friday of every month, for presentations, discussions and activities related to all facets of astronomy. Come see us! No special knowledge or equipment is needed to have a great time.