Final HPSP Star Party of the Season Saturday July 22nd

Weather permitting, our final star party of the 2017 season will take place at Halibut Point State Park on Saturday July 22, from dusk to 10:30 or so.

The public is encouraged to come out and see Jupiter and its moons, Saturn, and an array of distant deep-sky objects like galaxies, nebulae and star clusters. Of course there is no cost.

If you have a telescope, please bring it. These events are always well-attended, and we can use every scope we can get. Turn left off of Gott Ave, drive up the gravel road and turn right -- we'll be set up next to the white building. The 22nd is new moon weekend, and there will be observing opportunities after the star party in what may be the darkest site this close to Boston.

As always, unless you are unloading a telescope, please park in the paved lot to the right of Gott Ave and walk the short distance up the hill to the Visitor Center. Please keep white lights to a minimum, so everyone’s eyes get a chance to adapt to the dark.

Check the club Facebook page for announcements regarding the weather.

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