Nov 9 GAAC Program Note

This month we're pleased to have as our speaker Sarah Blunt from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Sarah's presentation is titled "Know thy Star, Know thy Exoplanet."

Sarah's talk is based on the simple fact that nearly every known exoplanet has been discovered indirectly; that is, in order to detect and characterize the planet, we make measurements of its host star.

Because of these relationships, many exoplanet measurements have been limited by our knowledge of their stars at the time the planets were detected. In this talk, Sarah will discuss exoplanet discoveries that have now been made possible by more precise stellar data, and will introduce ongoing stellar research that has the potential to improve our understanding of exoplanets.

There are more planets out there than stars --  hundreds of billions just in the Milky Way alone.

See you there, 8 Vulcan Street in Lanesville, 8:00 pm on the 9th -- lots of good things to eat, lots of fun stuff to know, and great conversations to be had!

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